Wild Silence, 7 days silent retreat | 2017, coming soon | Haut Languedoc, France

RETRAITE-SILENCE(Fr+Eng) In the Parc Naturel du Haut Languedoc in the south of France. A silent retreat held in nature with guided meditations and teachings. Participants will discover or deepen the benefits of the lying down posture for practicing meditation, while exploring the themes of trust and of letting go.

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2017, indefinited date | Vieussan, in the Languedoc’s Naturel Parc, south of France


A full week in the wild beauty of the Parc Naturel du Haut Languedoc to explore how powerful the lying down meditation can be. This meditation posture, quite unknown, is a jewel for those who find it hard to let
go of control when needed. A royal path to learn to surrender. A space that we offer to ourselves to dwell in, to get back in touch with our inner strengh. A practice to get to know ourselves better and develop intimacy with our life within. A time to rest, to come back to our sensitivity, to rediscover and let ourselves be touched by the wild
beauty of life. An act of trust in our inner wisdom, leaving room to silence to shine in, letting what really matters come forth again.
Seven days of silence, of guided meditations, of teachings, of free time, of walks in nature…
This retreat is suitable for both beginners and long term practicionners.


Jaya Ashmore (www.opendharma.org). Jaya has a meditation
practice since 1986, and she is teaching worldwide since more then 15
years. The genuineness of her approach has inspired a great number of
meditators. She also has a strong practice of the lying down meditation,
and she encourages this approach in her retreats.

Denis Robberechts (see Bio on this website).


In a remote and simple holiday center, in the wild beauty of the
Parc Naturel du Haut Languedoc.


Informations in the next month, register on our newsletter.